Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Lost Symbol Chapter 93-97

Part 93 Franklin Square is situated in the northwest quadrant of downtown Washington, circumscribed by K and Thirteenth avenues. It is home to numerous noteworthy structures, most eminently the Franklin School, from which Alexander Graham Bell sent the world's first remote message in 1880. High over the square, a quick moving UH-60 helicopter drew nearer from the west, having finished its excursion from the National Cathedral surprisingly fast. A lot of time, Sato thought, peering down at the square underneath. She realized it was important that her men got into position undetected before their objective showed up. He said he wouldn't be here for at any rate twenty minutes. On Sato's order, the pilot played out a â€Å"touch-hover† on the top of the tallest structure aroundâ€the famous One Franklin Squareâ€a transcending and renowned place of business with two gold towers on top. The move was unlawful, obviously, yet the chopper was there just a couple of moments, and its slips scarcely contacted the rock housetop. When everybody had leaped out, the pilot promptly lifted off, banking toward the east, where he would move to â€Å"silent altitude† and offer imperceptible help from above. Sato held up as her field group gathered their things and arranged Bellamy for his assignment. The Architect was all the while looking shocked from having seen the record on Sato's protected PC. As I said . . . an issue of national security. Bellamy had immediately comprehended Sato's importance and was currently completely agreeable. â€Å"All set, ma'am,† Agent Simkins said. On Sato's order, the specialists guided Bellamy over the housetop and vanished down a flight of stairs, heading for ground level to take up their positions. Sato strolled to the edge of the structure and looked down. The rectangular lush park underneath filled the whole square. A lot of spread. Sato's group completely comprehended the significance of making an undetected block. On the off chance that their objective detected a nearness here and concluded just to sneak away . . . the chief would not like to consider it. The breeze up here was breezy and cold. Sato folded her arms over herself, and planted her feet solidly to abstain from getting blown over the edge. From this high vantage point, Franklin Square looked littler than she reviewed, with less structures. She pondered which building was Eight Franklin Square. This was data she had mentioned from her investigator Nola, from whom she anticipated word at any second. Bellamy and the operators currently showed up, appearing as though ants fanning out into the dimness of the lush zone. Simkins situated Bellamy in a clearing close to the focal point of the abandoned park. At that point Simkins and his group dissolved into the normal spread, vanishing from see. In practically no time, Bellamy was distant from everyone else, pacing and shuddering in the light of a streetlamp close to the focal point of the recreation center. Sato had no sympathy. She lit a cigarette and took a long drag, appreciating the glow as it penetrated her lungs. Fulfilled that everything beneath was all together, she ventured once again from the edge to anticipate her two telephone callsâ€one from her examiner Nola and one from Agent Hartmann, whom she had sent to Kalorama Heights. Part 94 Slow down! Langdon held the rearward sitting arrangement of the Escalade as it flew around a corner, taking steps to tip up on two tires. CIA operator Hartmann was either anxious to flaunt his driving abilities to Katherine, or he had requests to get to Peter Solomon before Solomon sufficiently recovered to state anything he shouldn't state to the nearby specialists. The rapid round of beat-the-red-light on Embassy Row had been troubling enough, yet now they were hustling through the winding private neighborhood of Kalorama Heights. Katherine yelled bearings as they went, having been to this current man's home prior that evening. With each turn, the calfskin sack at Langdon's feet shook to and fro, and Langdon could hear the bang of the capstone, which had plainly been jolted from the highest point of the pyramid and was currently ricocheting around in the base of his pack. Dreading it may get harmed, he angled around inside until he discovered it. It was still warm, however the sparkling content had now blurred and vanished, coming back to its unique etching: The mystery stows away inside The Order. As Langdon was going to put the capstone in a side pocket, he saw its exquisite surface was secured with minuscule white gobs of something. Confused, he attempted to clear them off, however they were adhered on and hard to the touch . . . like plastic. What on the planet? He could now observe that the outside of the stone pyramid itself was additionally secured with the little white spots. Langdon utilized his fingernail and took one out, moving it between his fingers. â€Å"Wax?† he shouted. Katherine looked behind her. â€Å"What?† â€Å"There are bits of wax everywhere throughout the pyramid and capstone. I don't get it. Where could that have come from?† â€Å"Something in your sack, maybe?† â€Å"I don't think so.† As they adjusted a corner, Katherine pointed through the windshield and went to Agent Hartmann. â€Å"That's it! We're here.† Langdon looked up and saw the turning lights of a security vehicle left in a carport up ahead. The carport door was pulled aside and the specialist gunned the SUV inside the compound. The house was a breathtaking manor. Each light inside was burning, and the front entryway was fully open. About six vehicles were left randomly in the carport and on the grass, obviously having shown up in a rush. A portion of the vehicles were all the while running and had their headlights sparkling, most on the house, yet one awry, for all intents and purposes blinding them as they drove in. Operator Hartmann slipped to a stop on the yard adjacent to a white car with a splendidly hued decal: PREFERRED SECURITY. The turning lights and the high shafts in their face made it difficult to see. Katherine quickly leaped out and hustled for the house. Langdon hurled his pack onto his shoulder without setting aside the effort to zip it up. He followed Katherine nice and easy over the yard toward the open front entryway. The hints of voices resounded inside. Behind Langdon, the SUV peeped as Agent Hartmann bolted the vehicle and rushed after them. Katherine limited up the yard steps, through the fundamental entryway, and vanished into the gateway. Langdon crossed the limit behind her and could see Katherine was at that point moving over the lobby and down the fundamental passage toward the sound of voices. Past her, obvious toward the finish of the corridor, was a lounge area table where a lady in a security uniform was sitting with her back to them. â€Å"Officer!† Katherine yelled as she ran. â€Å"Where is Peter Solomon?† Langdon hurried after her, however as he did as such, a startling development got his attention. To one side, through the lounge window, he could see the carport door was presently swinging closed. Odd. Something different grabbed his attention . . . something that had been escaped him by the glare of the turning lights and the blinding high pillars when they drove in. The about six vehicles left heedlessly in the carport looked in no way like the squad cars and crisis vehicles Langdon had envisioned they were. A Mercedes? . . . a Hummer? . . . a Tesla Roadster? Right then and there, Langdon likewise understood the voices he heard in the house were only a TV blasting toward the lounge area. Wheeling in moderate movement, Langdon yelled down the corridor. â€Å"Katherine, wait!† Yet, as he turned, he could see that Katherine Solomon was done running. She was airborne. Section 95 Katherine Solomon realized she was falling . . . be that as it may, she was unable to make sense of why. She had been running a few doors down toward the security watch in the lounge area when abruptly her feet had gotten ensnared in an imperceptible deterrent, and her whole body had swayed forward, cruising through the air. Presently she was coming back to earth . . . for this situation, a hardwood floor. Katherine slammed down on her stomach, the breeze driven brutally from her lungs. Over her, an overwhelming coat tree wavered problematically and afterward toppled over, scarcely missing her on the floor. She raised her head, despite everything heaving for breath, confounded to see that the female security watch in the seat had not moved the slightest bit. More odd still, the toppled coat tree seemed to have a meager wire joined to the base, which had been extended over the lobby. Why on the planet would somebody . . . ? â€Å"Katherine!† Langdon was yelling to her, and as Katherine moved onto her side and glanced back at him, she felt her blood go to ice. Robert! Behind you! She attempted to shout, yet she was all the while panting for breath. Everything she could do was watch in startling moderate movement as Langdon surged a few doors down to support her, totally unconscious that behind him, Agent Hartmann was faltering over the edge and grasping his throat. Blood showered through Hartmann's hands as he grabbed at the handle of a long screwdriver that projected from his neck. As the operator pitched forward, his assailant came into full view. My God . . . no! Bare aside from an odd underwear that resembled an undergarment, the monstrous man had obviously been covering up in the hall. His strong body was secured from head to toe with unusual tattoos. The front entryway was swinging shut, and he was surging a few doors down after Langdon. Specialist Hartmann hit the floor similarly as the front entryway hammered shut. Langdon looked surprised and spun around, yet the inked man was at that point on him, pushing a gadget into his back. There was a glimmer of light and a sharp electrical sizzle, and Katherine saw Langdon go unbending. Eyes solidified wide, Langdon swayed forward, crumbling down in an incapacitated store. He fell hard on his calfskin pack, the pyramid tumbling out onto the floor. Without even a look down at his casualty, the inked man ventured over Langdon and set out straightforwardly toward Katherine. She was at that point slithering in reverse into the lounge area, where she c

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